Author Archives: Boo Trainor

2018 From the Editor


I am pleased to welcome you to the 2018 edition of our site. We hope that you will enjoy seeing our photos, and catching up on the many developments in our lives. You are reading my annual “From the Editor” blog post. I am Boo, the first-born teddy bear of the Trainor family, and the longtime editor of this Valentine site. In past years, many of our readers have been so distracted by our photo galleries that they missed my posts. This year, we moved it to the front to make sure that you don’t miss my insightful commentary on all of the Trainor happenings during the past year.

I can sum up the last year with one word: Audrey.

Audrey is Brooke and Kevin’s first grandchild.  She was born on June 14, 2017 to my sister Caitlin and my brother-in-law John.  As you will be able to tell from our photos, Audrey occupied a lot of the family’s attention even before she was born.  Since her arrival, she has starred in hundreds of photos.  Kevin suspects that there may have been even more baby pictures taken of  Audrey than were taken of my Uncle Rick (the first-born of Kevin’s generation of the Trainor clan).

We have all been terribly smitten with Audrey. As you browse through our photos, you will see us doing all manner of clowning to get Audrey’s attention and make her smile.  You may also catch a glimpse of us teaching Audrey to give us “the raspberries” or to say “ma ma ma” or “da da da” (depending upon which team we were rooting for at the time). You will see us making funny faces, wearing silly hats, making funny noises, and modeling all kinds of bad behavior for Audrey. By the time that you finish browsing, we think that you will agree that we look silly, and Audrey looks great.

You may be wondering how the many Trainor teddies are doing with most of the attention being focused on Audrey this year. We were all very proud to become aunts and uncles. While most of us were looking forward to Audrey getting big enough to play with us, Widdle and Poohey were concerned about baby slobber. They got over that quickly, when Kevin told them how baby slobber is considered to bring good luck. Most of us have had a play session or two with Audrey. You can check out the photos of Audrey getting fresh with me in the sidebar. Meanwhile, we are getting ready for some heavy kid play. Audrey just started crawling this week!

We Want to Hear From You

As always, we want to hear from you.  So, please feel free to share your comments and thoughts using the comment box available via this link.  Also, you may reach us by email.  Our current email addresses and our postal address are listed on the Contact page.

Visit the 2018 Photo Gallery

Please remember to visit our 2018 Photo Gallery.

All the Best,



Posted in From the Editor